Summary:Imnavait field campaign data from April 2012. Between April 8th and 21st, 2012, sixteen participants worked in and around Toolik Lake, just north of the Brooks Range, measuring the snow pack using a variety of techniques, including ground and airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). Five dispatches were produced during that time and posted on the Scientific American website ( They have been collected here as a report on the campaign. During the campaign four (4) types of data were taken: 1. Ground snow depths 2. Ground snow cores for snow water equivalent (SWE) 3. Airborne LiDAR 4. Ground-based LiDAR These have been placed on ACADIS in the form of Excel spreadsheets for items 1 and 2, and raster files for 3 and 4. Snow depths were collected using Global Positioning system (GPS) enabled automatic depth probes which could not measure deeper than 120 cm. Values of 120 indict depths in excess of 120 cm. Additionally, depths <0 cm (resulting from slight calibration errors) should be assigned a zero-value. SWE measurements were made using Federal samplers, with cores weighed on digital balances accurate to 0.1 g. A narrative of the campaign appears in the readme documents.