Summary: | These 2017 UpTempO buoys provide ocean temperature data for the upper 20m to 60m layer at increments of 2.5m to 10m. Buoys also include a hull thermistor. Buoys identified below as "SIZRS", were deployed via airdrop from a US CG C-130, while all others were deployed via ships of oppurtunity. The deployment ship for each buoy is included in its name. All bouys reported their data hourly via satellite. Theses UpTempO buoys were deployed in the Arctic Ocean between July and September of 2017. Data provided here are from buoys that have stopped reporting. For plots and track maps of these buoys, and for weekly updated data and plots for buoys that are currently reporting, please visit our website at . The ascii data provided here are the raw translation from the buoy's binary transmission. For Level 2 quality controlled and enhanced data visit our website at . The following quantities (reported hourly) are available: Temperature at nominal depths (typically between 2.5 and 60 m). Ocean Pressure at 1 or 3 nominal depths. There is always one at the bottom of the chain. Sea Level Pressure Some buoys contain Salinity and Temperature at ~4m from a seabird CT