Summary: | These data are part of the Arctic Shelf Growth, Advection, Respiration and Deposition (ASGARD) Rate Measurements project, funded as part of the North Pacific Research Board’s (NPRB’s) Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (IERP; program/). The program and research on this expedition was sponsored by NPRB, the Collaborative Alaskan Arctic Studies Program (CAASP, formerly the North Slope Borough/Shell Baseline Studies Program), the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), the National Science Foundation, and the Office of Naval Research Marine Mammals and Biology Program. In-kind support for this research cruise was contributed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. For this study, 6 moorings were deployed in the northern Bering Sea and southern Chukchi Sea. Each mooring was equipped with a variety of instruments to provide time series of environmental conditions throughout the water column. Moorings were deployed during the R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201709S in June 2017. With one exception, they were recovered during the R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201813S in June 2018. One mooring, N5, was unable to be recovered because of problems with the mooring release, and was recovered by a small-boat operation staged out of Kivalina, AK, in July 2018. In the second year of the project, 6 mooring were re-deployed at the same locations during R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201813S. Moorings were recovered during the R/V Ocean Starr ( ArcticIES Phase II Cruise, Leg 1 (no cruise id?). For 2 of these moorings, no ADCP data were recoverable. The ADCP battery died on mooring N2. Mooring N3 was partially recovered by dragging but corrosion of the instrument frame led to complete loss of the ADCP and the other dataloggers. Two moorings were recovered by dragging (N1 and N5). This dataset consists of measurements from a Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyzer (SUNA) instrument, model SUNA V2. Measurements in this dataset include nitrate concentration at the depth of the instrument. Attribute definitions are included in the asgard-nutrient-data-dictionary.txt file.