Summary: | These data are part of the Arctic IES component of the Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (IERP), sponsored by the North Pacific Research Board (NPRB), Collaborative Alaskan Arctic Studies Program (formerly the North Slope Borough/Shell Baseline Studies Program), Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), and the Office of Naval Research Marine Mammals and Biology Program. Initially, Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) was collected from the Chukchi Sea for genetic population structure analyses. Bulk samples of approximately 50 fish were retained from each of 12 midwater trawls (n=594). Samples were collected in August and September, 2017, for species identification. These samples were examined at 15 microsatellite loci and genotypes were recorded in an excel spreadsheet (two fragment sizes for each specimen). Additionally, phase 2 of the project was initiatiated, because the microsatellite analysis detected other cod species in the Arctic Cod sample. Fin clips from other cod projects were collected for genetic analysis to verify species identification (n=1545). mtDNA was examined at a partial (100 base pair) COI fragment and aligned with known sequences from other possible cods. Sequences are stored in a text file.