Summary: | These data records are time series of (1) round trip surface to bottom acoustic travel time, (2) bottom pressure and (3) bottom temperature (with the latter internal to the instrument). The first goal in collecting these data was to develop and test non-traditional methods to measure the time-varying 
heat content and vertical temperature profiles in high-latitude seas, shelves, and fjords using pressure-sensor-equipped inverted echo sounders (PIESs). The second goal was to use PIESs to measure icebergs and sea ice. We developed these methods with data collected in Sermilik Fjord in southeastern Greenland from a 1-year pilot deployment with 1 PIES (deployed mid fjord from 2011 to 2012) and data collected in a full deployment with 3 PIESs (deployed on the shelf by the fjord mouth, mid-fjord and in the upper fjord from 2013-2015/2016). The data format is NetCDF with CF-1.6 conventions.