Summary: | NCEI accession 0157180 contains in situ, physical and profile data from the ITP instrument ITP-57 in the Arctic Ocean from 2012-09-05 to 2013-12-22. The Ice-Tethered Profiler (ITP) system consists of a small surface capsule that sits atop an ice floe and supports a plastic-jacketed wire rope tether that extends through the ice and down into the ocean, ending with a weight (intended to keep the wire vertical). A cylindrical underwater instrument (in shape and size much like an Argo float) mounts on this tether and cycles vertically along it, carrying oceanographic sensors through the water column. Water property data are telemetered from the ITP to shore in near-real time. These data were collected by John M. Toole of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and submitted as part of the ITP project.