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Your search - Max Pollard was born in 1930 in Harbour Deep, a fishing and logging community on Newfoundland’s northern peninsula. One of eight children, Max began fishing with his father, Alfred, when he was ten years old. He left school at the age of twelve to work full-time with his father, fishing in the summer and logging in the winter. He learned boat building from his father, watching and helping him build from the time he was a young boy. At twenty years old, Max built his own twenty-three foot motor boat and fitted her with a four horsepower Acadia engine. Since then, he estimates he’s built thirty boats including punts, motor boats, speed boats, and a longliner. He continued to fish until the 1992 Cod Moratorium. In 2002, Max and his wife Edith closed the grocery store they operated in Harbour Deep and moved to Pasadena. Later the same year, the community was officially resettled. - did not match any resources.