1by Mernik, Thomas, Amare, Y, Anderson, T, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K., Choi, G.H., Copley, M., Coutu, S., Derome, L., Eraud, L., Hagenau, L., Han, J.H., Huh, H.G., IM, S., Jeon, J.A., Jeong, S., Kim, K.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, H.Y., Lee, J., Lee, M.H., Liang, J.F., Link, J.T., Lu, L., Lutz, L., Menchaca-Rocha, A., Mitchell, J.W., Mognet, S.I., Morton, S., Nester, M., Nutter, S., Ofoha, O., Park, I.H., Picot-Clemente, N., Quinn, R., Seo, E.S., Smith, J.R., Walpole, P., Weinmann, R.P., Wu, J., Yoon, Y.S.Get access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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Conference Object -
2by Picot-Clémente, Nicolas, Amare, Y, Anderson, T, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K, Choi, G.H., Copley, M, Coutu, S, Derome, Laurent, Eraud, Ludo, Hagenau, L, Han, J.H., Huh, H.G., IM, S., Jeon, J.A., Jeong, S, Kim, K.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, H.Y., Lee, J, Lee, M.H., Liang, J, Link, J.T., Lu, L, Lutz, L, Menchaca-Rocha, A, Mernik, T, Mitchell, J.W., Mognet, S.I., Morton, S, Nester, M, Nutter, S, Ofoha, O, Park, I.H., Quinn, R, Seo, E.S., Smith, J.R., Walpole, P, Weinmann, R.P., Wu, J, Yoon, Y.S.Get access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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Conference Object -
3by Smith, Jacob, Amare, Yonas, Anderson, Tyler, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K., Choi, G.H., Copley, M., Coutu, S., Derome, Laurent, Eraud, Ludo, Hagenau, Lillian, Han, J.H., Huh, Hyun-Gue, IM, S., Jeon, J.A., Jeong, S., Kim, K.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, H.Y., Lee, J., Lee, M.H., Liang, Jennifer, Link, J.T., Lu, L, Lutz, Larry, Menchaca-rocha, Arturo, Mernik, Thomas, Mitchell, J.W., Mognet, S.I., Morton, S., Nester, M., Nutter, S., Ofoha, Oluchi, Park, I.H., Picot-Clemente, Nicolas, Quinn, R., Seo, Eun-Suk, Walpole, Peter, Weinmann, Ryu-Sung Peter, Wu, Jayoung, Yoon, Y.S.Get access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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Conference Object -
4by Picot-Clémente, Nicolas, Amare, Y, Anderson, T, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K, Choi, G.H., Copley, M, Coutu, S, Derome, L., Eraud, L., Hagenau, L, Han, J.H., Huh, H.G., Im, S., Jeon, J.A., Jeong, S, Kim, K.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, H.Y., Lee, J, Lee, M.H., Liang, J, Link, J.T., Lu, L, Lutz, L, Menchaca-Rocha, A, Mernik, T, Mitchell, J.W., Mognet, S.I., Morton, S, Nester, M, Nutter, S, Ofoha, O, Park, I.H., Quinn, R, Seo, E.S., Smith, J.R., Walpole, P, Weinmann, R.P., Wu, J, Yoon, Y.S.Get access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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Conference Object -
5by Smith, Jacob, Amare, Yonas, Anderson, Tyler, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K., Choi, G.H., Copley, M., Coutu, S., Derome, L., Eraud, L., Hagenau, Lillian, Han, J.H., Huh, Hyun-Gue, Im, S., Jeon, J.A., Jeong, S., Kim, K.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, H.Y., Lee, J., Lee, M.H., Liang, Jennifer, Link, J.T., Lu, L, Lutz, Larry, Menchaca-Rocha, Arturo, Mernik, Thomas, Mitchell, J.W., Mognet, S.I., Morton, S., Nester, M., Nutter, S., Ofoha, Oluchi, Park, I.H., Picot-Clemente, Nicolas, Quinn, R., Seo, Eun-Suk, Walpole, Peter, Weinmann, Ryu-Sung Peter, Wu, Jayoung, Yoon, Y.S.Get access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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Conference Object -
6by Mernik, Thomas, Amare, Y, Anderson, T, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K., Choi, G.H., Copley, M., Coutu, S., Derome, L., Eraud, L., Hagenau, L., Han, J.H., Huh, H.G., Im, S., Jeon, J.A., Jeong, S., Kim, K.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, H.Y., Lee, J., Lee, M.H., Liang, J.F., Link, J.T., Lu, L., Lutz, L., Menchaca-Rocha, A., Mitchell, J.W., Mognet, S.I., Morton, S., Nester, M., Nutter, S., Ofoha, O., Park, I.H., Picot-Clemente, N., Quinn, R., Seo, E.S., Smith, J.R., Walpole, P., Weinmann, R.P., Wu, J., Yoon, Y.S.Get access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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Conference Object -
7by Mernik, Thomas, Amare, Y, Anderson, T, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K., Choi, G.H., Copley, M., Coutu, S., Derome, L., Eraud, L., Hagenau, L., Han, J.H., Huh, H.G., Im, S., Jeon, J.A., Jeong, S., Kim, K.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, H.Y., Lee, J., Lee, M.H., Liang, J.F., Link, J.T., Lu, L., Lutz, L., Menchaca-Rocha, A., Mitchell, J.W., Mognet, S.I., Morton, S., Nester, M., Nutter, S., Ofoha, O., Park, I.H., Picot-Clemente, N., Quinn, R., Seo, E.S., Smith, J.R., Walpole, P., Weinmann, R.P., Wu, J., Yoon, Y.S.Get access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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Conference Object -
8by Picot-Clémente, Nicolas, Amare, Y, Anderson, T, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K, Choi, G.H., Copley, M, Coutu, S, Derome, L., Eraud, L., Hagenau, L, Han, J.H., Huh, H.G., Im, S., Jeon, J.A., Jeong, S, Kim, K.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, H.Y., Lee, J, Lee, M.H., Liang, J, Link, J.T., Lu, L, Lutz, L, Menchaca-Rocha, A, Mernik, T, Mitchell, J.W., Mognet, S.I., Morton, S, Nester, M, Nutter, S, Ofoha, O, Park, I.H., Quinn, R, Seo, E.S., Smith, J.R., Walpole, P, Weinmann, R.P., Wu, J, Yoon, Y.S.Get access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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Conference Object -
9by Mernik, Thomas, Amare, Y, Anderson, T, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K., Choi, G.H., Copley, M., Coutu, S., Derome, L., Eraud, L., Hagenau, L., Han, J.H., Huh, H.G., Im, S., Jeon, J.A., Jeong, S., Kim, K.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, H.Y., Lee, J., Lee, M.H., Liang, J.F., Link, J.T., Lu, L., Lutz, L., Menchaca-Rocha, A., Mitchell, J.W., Mognet, S.I., Morton, S., Nester, M., Nutter, S., Ofoha, O., Park, I.H., Picot-Clemente, N., Quinn, R., Seo, E.S., Smith, J.R., Walpole, P., Weinmann, R.P., Wu, J., Yoon, Y.S.Get access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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Conference Object -
10by Picot-Clémente, Nicolas, Amare, Y, Anderson, T, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K, Choi, G.H., Copley, M, Coutu, S, Derome, L., Eraud, L., Hagenau, L, Han, J.H., Huh, H.G., Im, S., Jeon, J.A., Jeong, S, Kim, K.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, H.Y., Lee, J, Lee, M.H., Liang, J, Link, J.T., Lu, L, Lutz, L, Menchaca-Rocha, A, Mernik, T, Mitchell, J.W., Mognet, S.I., Morton, S, Nester, M, Nutter, S, Ofoha, O, Park, I.H., Quinn, R, Seo, E.S., Smith, J.R., Walpole, P, Weinmann, R.P., Wu, J, Yoon, Y.S.Get access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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Conference Object -
11by Smith, Jacob, Amare, Yonas, Anderson, Tyler, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K., Choi, G.H., Copley, M., Coutu, S., Derome, L., Eraud, L., Hagenau, Lillian, Han, J.H., Huh, Hyun-Gue, Im, S., Jeon, J.A., Jeong, S., Kim, K.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, H.Y., Lee, J., Lee, M.H., Liang, Jennifer, Link, J.T., Lu, L, Lutz, Larry, Menchaca-Rocha, Arturo, Mernik, Thomas, Mitchell, J.W., Mognet, S.I., Morton, S., Nester, M., Nutter, S., Ofoha, Oluchi, Park, I.H., Picot-Clemente, Nicolas, Quinn, R., Seo, Eun-Suk, Walpole, Peter, Weinmann, Ryu-Sung Peter, Wu, Jayoung, Yoon, Y.S.Get access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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Conference Object -
12by Smith, Jacob, Amare, Yonas, Anderson, Tyler, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K., Choi, G.H., Copley, M., Coutu, S., Derome, L., Eraud, L., Hagenau, Lillian, Han, J.H., Huh, Hyun-Gue, Im, S., Jeon, J.A., Jeong, S., Kim, K.C., Kim, M.H., Lee, H.Y., Lee, J., Lee, M.H., Liang, Jennifer, Link, J.T., Lu, L, Lutz, Larry, Menchaca-Rocha, Arturo, Mernik, Thomas, Mitchell, J.W., Mognet, S.I., Morton, S., Nester, M., Nutter, S., Ofoha, Oluchi, Park, I.H., Picot-Clemente, Nicolas, Quinn, R., Seo, Eun-Suk, Walpole, Peter, Weinmann, Ryu-Sung Peter, Wu, Jayoung, Yoon, Y.S.Get access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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Conference Object -
13by Picot-Clémente, Nicolas, Amare, Y, Anderson, T, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K, Choi, G H, Copley, M, Coutu, S, Derome, Laurent, Eraud, Ludo, Hagenau, L, Han, J H, Huh, H G, Im, S, Jeon, J A, Jeong, S, Kim, K C, Kim, M H, Lee, H Y, Lee, J, Lee, M H, Liang, J, Link, J T, Lu, L, Lutz, L, Menchaca-Rocha, A, Mernik, T, Mitchell, J W, Mognet, S I, Morton, S, Nester, M, Nutter, S, Ofoha, O, Park, I H, Quinn, R, Seo, E S, Smith, J R, Walpole, P, Weinmann, R P, Wu, J, Yoon, Y SGet access
Published in Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) (2017)
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14by Yoon, Y.S, Amare, Y, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K, Choi, G.H, Copley, M, Coutu, S, Derome, L, Eraud, L, Hagenau, L, Han, J.H, Huh, H.G, Hwang, Y.S, Hyun, H.J, Im, S, Jeon, H.B, Jeon, J.A, Jeong, S, Kang, S.C, Kim, H.J, Kim, K.C, Kim, M.H, Lee, H.Y, Lee, J, Lee, M.H, Liang, J, Lu, L, Lutz, L, Menchaca-Rocha, A, Mitchell, J.W, Mognet, S.I, Morton, S, Nester, M, Nutter, S, Park, H, Park, I.H, Park, J.M, Picot-Clémente, N, Seo, E.S, Smith, J.R, Walpole, P, Weinmann, R.P, Wu, J, Zhang, H.GGet access
Published in Astroparticle Physics (2024)
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Article in Journal/Newspaper -
15by Yoon, Y.S, Amare, Y, Angelaszek, D, Anthony, N, Cheryian, K, Choi, G.H, Copley, M, Coutu, S, Derome, L, Eraud, L, Hagenau, L, Han, J.H, Huh, H.G, Hwang, Y.S, Hyun, H.J, Im, S, Jeon, H.B, Jeon, J.A, Jeong, S, Kang, S.C, Kim, H.J, Kim, K.C, Kim, M.H, Lee, H.Y, Lee, J, Lee, M.H, Liang, J, Lu, L, Lutz, L, Menchaca-Rocha, A, Mitchell, J.W, Mognet, S.I, Morton, S, Nester, M, Nutter, S, Park, H, Park, I.H, Park, J.M, Picot-Clémente, N, Seo, E.S, Smith, J.R, Walpole, P, Weinmann, R.P, Wu, J, Zhang, H.GGet access
Published in Astroparticle Physics (2024)
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Article in Journal/Newspaper